
Aims and objectives

ISETS Energy Finance Network (IEFN) aims to create a platform for scholars to work together and promote the development of energy finance. Being an inter-disciplinary subject, energy finance covers a broad spectrum of issues that requires collaborated research from economics, management, finance, statistics, and engineering. Our network is a decentralized system formed around a small number of active core teams, and we encourage people from all over the world to participate. We organize workshops, forums, and conferences to facilitate intellectual communication. We deliver joint academic research to address urgent policy issues on climate finance, energy transition, and energy markets. We also actively involved in practical issues of the energy industry by providing solutions and guidance on forecasting, financing and investment. 

Founding Member

Dayong Zhang

Research Institute of Economics and Management, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Prof. Zhang is a Professor in Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China. His research interest covers energy economics, climate finance, banking and finance, and economic and financial issues in emerging economies. He is the principal investigator of over ten research grants from the National Social Science Foundation of China (NSSFC), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and others. He is the co-founder of China Energy Finance Network, president of the Society for the Studies of Climate Finance (SSCF), vice president of the International Society for Energy Transition Studies (ISETS), the founding editor of the Journal of Climate Finance, and the associate editor/guest editor for over ten journals such as International Review of Financial Analysis and International Review of Economics and Finance. He published over 100 SCI/SSCI-indexed articles in peer-reviewed journals and is in the Elsevier’s list of China’s Most Cited Scholars (2020-2023), Clarivate Global Highly Cited Researchers from 2021 to 2022, the World’s Top 2% Scientists List published by Elsevier and Stanford University. 


Qiang Ji

Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Prof. Ji is an executive director of the support center for discipline research in the Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISDCAS). He is the principal investigator of the Excellent Young Scientists Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China . He has been engaged in research work in the fields of energy strategic management, energy and climate finance, energy forecasting, and risk management. He is the co-founder of China Energy Finance Network and vice president of International Society for Energy Transition Studies and Society for the Studies of Climate Finance. He is a founding editor of the Journal of Climate Finance and serves as a senior editor and associate editor for over ten energy and financial journals, such as Energy Economics, Finance Research Letters, and International Review of Financial Analysis. He has published more than 150 SCI/SSCI-indexed articles in peer-reviewed journals and has been named in the global Highly Cited Researchers’ lists from 2021 to 2023 released by Clarivate Analytics, and the World’s Top 2% Scientists’ lists released by Stanford University.

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