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2019 International Conference on Energy Finance

International conference on energy finance (ICEF) is an annual conference organized by the China Energy Finance Network (CEFN). The 2019 International conference on Energy Finance co-organized by Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Society of Optimization, Overall Planning and Economical Mathematics was held on 18-19 May 2019 in Kunming, China.  

The ICEF conferences aim to provide a platform for international scholars to share their frontier research in the subject of Energy Finance. More than 200 experts and scholars from dozens of universities around the world gathered in Kunming to discuss the frontier issues of energy finance.  

Entering the 21st century, the world’s energy financial structure has undergone profound changes. The energy market is complex and changeable. Energy market has become an indispensable part of the financial system, and energy finance has become a new direction of financial research. The theme of this conference is ‘energy transition and environmental challenge: market development and financialisation.’

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